Are you ready to tell your story?

This podcast is the stories of entrepreneurs about why they do what they do and how it all came to be.

So sit back, close your thoughts, and open your mind to hear...a great story.

Here are the questions we are going to cover during our time together:

1. Who are you, what do you do?

2. Why do you do it?

3. What do you love about it?

4. What do you wish you could change about it?

5. What is your greatest lesson you have learned doing it?

6. What is an embarrassing moment that you laugh about it now, but not when it happened?

7. Whom can we connect you with?

Sign up for the podcast

Once you sign up, we'll contact you to schedule a recording time. All recordings will be held at Dr. Erik's Office (Triple Crown Chiropractic) (directions are to your right).

**YUR is spelled correctly. Ask Dr. Erik for the story.

Location for the podcast

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