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Health & Wellness Fair Sign Up

Our event is currently full. And we have a lengthy waitlist. Thank you for your interest.

Thank you for being interested in setting up a vendor booth at our Health & Wellness event. (Name coming soon)

Things you need to know before signing up.

  1. There is no fee for the event, however we would like to ask that you donate an item or service to be raffled off at the event.

  2. We are asking each vendor to present a 10-15 speech on your company's products or services to be given in a different room to fair attendees. Handouts are welcomed during presentation. There will not be any video presentation available, due to the quick turn around time between speakers.

  3. Set up with a 4 or 6 ft table. The space is not massive, so we ask you to keep your displays to a minimum if possible. We ask that you use a black tablecloth if possible.

  4. We are putting together some bags for the event, stay tuned to how you can participate.

  5. You will need to provide your logo for advertisement purposes. You will receive an email requesting it once you have been accepted. If your logo is not provided within a timely manner, we will move to the next person in line.

  6. Only one vendor from an industry will be accepted.

    However, we will add you to a wait-list in case plans change.

About Our Event

Location: Madonna Manor's Adelaide Center in Villa Hills.

2344 Amsterdam Rd, Villa Hills, KY 41017

Date / Time: February 14th from 12 - 4

Set up will begin at 11.

Vendor Sign-Up for Health & Wellness Fair

Join us to become a vendor at our health fair.

Adelaide Center

Spaces where vendors will set up

Rooms / hallways will have excess furniture removed before the event.

Space where vendors will present